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1. Are these games legal?
A: Well technically you'll be getting them for free. So What do you think?

2. My download won't start?
A: You have to complete a survey or an offer and WAIT for the confirmation that you did. And the download should start.

3. I only need the crack.
A: Yes, I know some of you already has the games and only needs the crack, that's why I provided I separate crack folder only.

4. How to Install the Crack?
A: I provided instructions in the crack file folder for each games.

5. How do I play the XBox iso's
A: Well first make sure your Console is jtag. Download all files then put in one folder. Extract the Part 1 only,then it will automatically extract the other parts. Then put it in your Xbox HD. I know its a simple explanation, but I'm to lazy to explain more. Try Google :p